How to Turn Off Jeep Wrangler Seat Belt Alarm

You have to complete some procedures within a short time frame if you want to disable the seat belt chime on Jeep Wrangle. You are essentially working against the clock and trying to finish the job before time runs out.

For each step, a limited amount of time is available for completing predetermined tasks. You must perform the tasks correctly the first time to avoid having to restart.

The steps are carefully designed to avoid accidentally turning off the seat belt alarm functionality without reversing it. It’s illegal to drive without a seat belt, but sometimes it’s better to disable seat belt chime.

Therefore, in today’s post, we will highlight how to turn off the Jeep Wrangler seat belt alarm. Let’s dive in.

How Do You Turn Off the Seatbelt Chime On a Jeep Wrangler?

You can follow several ways to disable seat belt chime on Jeep Wrangler. To turn off the Jeep Wrangler seat belt alarm, follow manual programming instructions, detach the connector using paper clips, or visit a Jeep dealership.

Let’s examine each method so we can find the one that best suits your experience.

Method 1: Follow the Manual Programming Instruction

  • Switch the ignition to the “OFF” position with your key.
  • Afterward, buckle your seatbelt while sitting in the driver’s seat.
  • Then, turn the ignition key to the RUN position (the engine does not have to be running), and wait for the seat belt warning light to stop flashing.

The following actions must be taken in exactly 60 seconds:

  • Within 10 seconds, you have to unbuckle and buckle up your seat belt three times. Make sure your seat belt is buckled at the end.
  • Put the ignition key in the “OFF” position now. You will hear a single chime to confirm that the program procedure has been successfully done.

The Jeep Wrangler will now sound the fastened seat belt chime when you start your jeep, but not the continuous reminder. However, the signal light will remain on the dashboard.

Method 2: Detach the Connector

jeep wrangler seat belt connector

Connect the green and black wires under the driver’s side seat of your Jeep Wrangler with a paperclip. Doing that will disable seat belt chime. Just reconnect the wire as needed to undo this change.

Method 3: Visit your Local Jeep Dealer

If you’re unfamiliar with disabling seat belt chime and wondering how to turn off Jeep Wrangler seat belt alarm, visit your nearest dealership. For a minimal cost, your Jeep Wrangler dealership can turn off (or on) the seat belt chime. 

Many Jeep owners who can’t finish the tasks mentioned above on their own are advised to use this service. Make this simple adjustment yourself if you don’t want to waste money.

Following these 3 methods, you can disable seat belt chime on your Jeep Wrangler of any model.

Can You Deactivate Seat Belt Alarm?

Purchasing a seat belt alarm stopper from the manufacturer or scrap yard will help stop the alarm from sounding. Another solution is to purchase an unconnected clip that fits into the receptacle of the seat belt and disables the alert.

The Takeaway

That’s all for our short guide to disabling seat belt chime on Jeep Wrangler. A beeping sound warns you to buckle your seatbelt when you drive a Jeep Wrangler.

This noise stops as soon as you buckle the seatbelt. It can sometimes be annoying to hear the automatic reminder when your seat belt is unbuckled while driving.

Hopefully, the techniques we’ve provided above will help you turn off the Jeep Wrangler’s seat belt chime.

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